Friday, August 14, 2015

Five Minute Friday:: LEARN

After two weeks of homeschooling I think I have learned more than they have.

I have learned more about how they learn and have confirmed what I have always known...that they are oh so different.

He wants to  curl up on the couch sitting next to me, almost crawling inside my skin and read books all. day. long. Picture books, chapter books, fiction or non, magazines, atlases, encyclopedias, they're all fair game.

I've learned that he listens and observes, taking it all in one story at a time. He can take or leave any hands on project or activity. He sometimes enjoys them. He sometimes tolerates them.  I will find him on his own creating something, and that's when I know that what we have read has not gone in one ear and out the other but has sunk in...deep. He is learning too.

I've learned that she sometimes enjoys sitting and listening to a book, all curled up on the couch. Sometimes, most times, she tolerates it. She would rather be sitting at the table coloring, cutting out pictures from magazines to add to her ABC book, or putting a puzzle together.

I've learned the most about her these last two weeks and her learning style. When I don't think she is paying any attention to what we are talking about or reading, I couldn't be further from the truth. Like this morning when out on our nature walk: she sees bubbles coming from the river and asks if a crocodile is in there, something we read about in Katy No-Pocket. I tell her crocodiles don't live in this river. She continues talking about them telling us they can walk and swim and  that they carry their babies on their back. She is learning too.

I've learned that he would rather listen and talk with me and create later.

I've learned that she would rather listen and create with me and talk later.

I've learned that being outside is some of the most precious time we have together. There is an undeniable peace that permeates the air.



  1. Hannah, What a momentous journey you are about to embark upon! You will not regret it, my friend! Beautifully captured and delighted to meet you. Visiting from #fmfparty. Christina @

    1. Thank you for stopping by Christina and for your kind words!

  2. praying for you, as you start your new journey.



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