Thursday, July 2, 2015


The wonder of a child is a beautiful thing. The fascination in their eyes as they watch a snail slowly make its way across the sidewalk.
Or the worm wiggle through the soil in the planter out back. The way they notice the details of the birds that gather seeds from the feeders.
The way a child gazes up at the clouds and wonders how they got there and then you, their mom, get to explain it to them. And of course you can't forget to lay in the grass and find shapes and figures in the fluffy white clouds. The first time they catch lightning bugs in a jar or blow the seeds of a dandelion and make a wish.
Day after day they look out the window and see if the tiny sprout has grown any more. One morning a big beautiful brightly colored lily is in full bloom. Observing the leaves change colors on the trees, green to yellow, red or orange. Collecting acorns just like the squirrels and chipmunks. That first snow fall. Breathtakingly beautiful. Eyes wide and eager to play.
Learning how to measure flour, crack eggs, and cut in butter to then roll out a perfect pie crust. Filled with cinnamon apples of course. Taking time out of our day to brew a cup of tea and excited to use the fancy cups. Sometimes teatime is intentional other times it's out of necessity.
Reading aloud good books with exciting plots and storylines, anxious to hear what happens next. Learning to read those same words that I have been reading. The lightbulb moment when they get it.
Their little lives are full of wonder. Full of things to understand. Full of places to explore. Full of new concepts to grasp. Five and half years ago I held my oldest boy for the first time and I was full of wonder. I have been blessed to walk beside him as he discovers this great big blue and green marble we call earth. This earth that was created by our heavenly father. This earth that is filled with His glory. Oh, what a wonderful world it is. In a few weeks we officially begin Kindergarten and honestly, not much will change from what we do now. We will continue to wonder at all of God's creation. We will explore and discover. We will observe and create. We will love our neighbors both near and far. I will do my best to document our year but, I too get caught up in the moment of wonder.

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